منتدى المحاسب المصرى

مرحبا بك اخى الكريم زائرا لمنتدى المحاسب المصرى و يسعدنا إنضمامك إلى أسرة المنتدى

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منتدى المحاسب المصرى

مرحبا بك اخى الكريم زائرا لمنتدى المحاسب المصرى و يسعدنا إنضمامك إلى أسرة المنتدى

منتدى المحاسب المصرى

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

موقع يهتم بكل ما يتعلق بمهنة المحاسبة و تقديم كل ما هو جديد فى مجال المحاسبة و تقديم ما يحتاجه المحاسبين حديثى التخرج لإعدادهم لسوق العمل و تبادل الآراء و الخبرات .

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اقدم خدمات محاسبية و تسجيل كافة العمليات المحاسبية على برنامج ميكروسوفت اكونتنج 2008 و يتيح البرنامج التالى :- 1- قيود اليومية 2-حسابات الاستاذ 3- موازين المراجعة 4- قائمة الدخل 5- الميزانية العمومية ويمكن الحصول على تقاريرتفصيلية عن الاتى :- 1- حسابات العملاء 2- اعمار الديون - مدة الفواتير تحت التحصيل 3- تقارير المبيعات لكل نشاط -استضافة ، دعم فنى ، تصميم ، برمجة 4- حسابات الموردين و اعمار الديون - فترة تحصيل الفواتير المستحقة 5- اصدار فواتير المبيعات ، اصدار اوامر التوريد و الشراء 6- قاعدة بينات كاملة للموظفين و مندوبين المبيعات و التقارير الخاصة بمبيعات كل مندوب و خدمات خاصة اخرى تتعلق بالحسابات باسعار رمزية شهرية و الشغل كله على النت للتواصل ايميل hisham_gho5@yahoo.com و الله الموفق
كورس كامل شهادة سى أم أيه بسعر ممتاز للإتصال على 0112955583

    الدرس الثانى - AD CASH SYSTEM

    المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 107
    نقاط : 268
    تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2010
    العمر : 56

    الدرس الثانى - AD CASH SYSTEM Empty الدرس الثانى - AD CASH SYSTEM

    مُساهمة من طرف المدير العام الجمعة ديسمبر 31, 2010 12:29 pm

    1. Section 1: Clickbank Setup
    2. Section 2: Finding Products
    3. Section 3: Submitting Free Ads
    4. Section 4: Submitting Paid Ads
    Setting Up Your Clickbank Account

    Step #1: First sign up for a Clickbank account. You can do this by visiting http://www.clickbank.com and clicking the sign up link. Fill out all the fields (accurately, obviously). You may fill in the website if you have one, otherwise leave it blank. You do NOT need one to make money. Use an easy to remember account name, as this is what you will use to login and to promote the products.
    Step #2: After you submit your information you will receive the confirmation code in your email inbox. Do NOT close the Clickbank window. If you need to use your web browser to check your email, simply open a new one. Also be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the message in your main folder. The email should be from 'confirm' with subject 'code'.

    Enter the confirmation code and your account is ready (this code is NOT your Clickbank receipt #). Be sure to keep your login information in a safe place. Once your account is setup, you can login and look around. This is where you will see any sales you have made. Your account stats are updated in real-time.

    Clickbank is not the only source of affiliate programs. It is, however, the best source for affiliate programs for digital products and high commissions. Here are some other affiliate networks like Clickbank which provide thousands more products, many of which are physical products. If you country is not listed in Clickbank, you must try the ones below:

    * Commission Junction
    * Linkshare
    * ShareASale
    * Clickxchange
    * Paydotcom
    * Clix Galore

    There are a whole set of programs out there you can post ads for and earn great commissions. For an exhaustive list of over 2,000 other programs and networks click here. You will be sure to find companies you are interested in working with.

    To make the most money, you need to find the best products to promote. Clickbank makes it quite easy for affiliates to find the best products to promote. go directly to the Marketplace.

    Simply select a category of products you are interested in promoting. The marketplace lists the products in order of the top performing. Below is an example of the Employment & Jobs category. Highlighted in red, you will see the amount earned per sale (in $ and percentage) as well as some other stats. Each link is a site or product you can promote to make money.

    You can start with products from the top 10 or 20 as these are generally the most money making. However, be aware these also have the most competition and sometimes you can find some true gems lower in the listings. You should also from time to time browse around to find products which are now becoming popular so you can get in on it before everyone else. I recently promoted a great new product and earned $500 in less than 24 hours... with one ad and one product. Remember, the more products you promote, the more money you can earn.
    Here is a little description of what all the information means.

    Title: This is the text in red. This is generally the name of the product. Clicking this will take you directly to the product page.

    Description: This usually describes what the product is or may describe the advantage of promoting this product or what is so good about the product.

    Promote: This will create your own unique affiliate link which you will use to promote the product.

    $/sale: This will show on average what affiliates earned per sale. You should generally try to pick products with a higher amount, especially if the products are very similar. Also keep in mind that if a product just raised it's price or provides an alternative product for a lower price, this figure would not be quite accurate.

    Future $ and Total $/Sale Are you interested in earning recurring revenue from a single sale? If so, subscription products are for you. Future $ products are products that bill customers at regular intervals, such as bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. The higher the dollar amount, the more money affiliates earn from that product, on average.

    %/sale: This is the percentage of the sale price that you will be paid. So if two similar products have the same price, but different %/sale, you should choose the product with the higher %.

    %refd: This is simply what percentage of sales are from affiliates. A high % Referred likely means that the publisher is established and has had time to grow their affiliate base. It also indicates that affiliates stick with the product once they start promoting.

    Grav: This is an average of how many affiliates have made sales on this product in a specific period of time. More information on how this is calculated can be found in Clickbank help.

    Cat: This is simply the Marketplace category of the product.

    Just choose a product you would like to promote. You can click it to see the sales page so you would know for sure if you would like to promote it. To generate your unique affiliate link which you will use in your ads for that particular product click 'Promote'.
    A new window will pop up. Now enter your Clickbank ID. You may also enter a tracking code to track which ads made you money. You can use a different code for each ad or set of ads, depending on how you want to track them. However, please remember this is completely optional and not required.
    Copy the first link (select the entire link, right click on it, and click copy). This is your hoplink. You will paste this link into your ads as necessary. The 'tid' section is only relevant if you are using tracking codes (which is not required).

    *The other text is not relevant. In the following pages, we show you where to place your hoplink.
    Simply click continue below.

    Tip: If you do not want to have your hoplink displayed when promoting products you can get a free URL which redirects to your hoplink at TinyURL.com. This is totally optional, but may work better when submitting ads to online classifieds or offline newspapers. That way, people viewing your ad, would see a nice short URL and are more likely to click your link. For even more attractive URLs you can even register domain names at GoDaddy. Domain names cost money, however, so we would only recommend doing this for products you plan on heavily promoting. You can register a .info domain name for under $6 each. Remember, this is all completely optional.

    In the next steps I will show you how to setup your ads. We will use our site as examples. However, you may use any site listed in the marketplace. Please note, you are not supposed to sign up for these sites, you are only typing ads for them. You can get started posting ads without any investment. Also be sure to check our recommended sites to post for.
    Click Here to Type Up Your Ads.
    Setting Up Your Free Ads

    Jump to: Beginning | Clickbank Setup | Find Products | Post Paid Ads

    After getting used to the Clickbank network, here is how you are really going to start making your money. Here you will see how you can submit ads both for free and for money. Some of the free ways are usually much more time consuming and do not provide the same money-making potential. If you use the paid ways you will get faster results. However, it is completely up to you which methods you use. If you like, you can start out using the free methods, then as you make money off of those, use some of that money to invest into the paid methods. You should have a nice recurring income in no time.

    *Remember, we provide you with a free pre-built website which you can use instead. This website is built to earn. Instead of typing ads for Clickbank products, you can use all of these same methods, but type the ads for your site and link directly to your site. With your own website, there is significant income potential. With our package, you don't even need the slightest web building experience. Simply sign up for your site here and follow our guide to make some serious cash. However, this is completely optional and a website is not required.

    We would also like to make you aware of the $150+ in bonus credit we offer if you use our Pay Per Click method. You will find this in the next section here. You do not need to use these paid methods to make money, but we highly recommend taking advantage of these bonuses so you can easily make a few hundred dollars. You are not obligated to keep spending. Just sign up and use the bonuses for some quick money. If you make a good profit, then you can continue using those methods.

    Let's start with the FREE methods. You may use any or all of the methods below.

    This is definitely one of the best ways to earn an income on the net without spending a dime. You can generate $1000s per month, posting just a few articles per day. In a nutshell, you will be creating articles and submitting them to various directories with YOUR links in them. When your articles are distributed all over the web, and people read them, you earn cash whenever they sign up for the product you are promoting in your article.

    Below, you will find the best guides to walk you through the entire process and show you how you can make a good income writing up articles every day. Simply click on the guide to read it. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

    * Bum Marketing Method
    * Squidoo
    * Article Marketing Video Course (Advanced Training)
    * Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video

    Free Classified Sites

    These sites won't cost you anything to post your ads. Some may have premium spots but you can just stick to the free spots. You can submit ads for any of the 11,000 sites in the Clickbank network or any of the other networks we showed you. Remember, you will need to place your hoplink in your ads. It should look something like this: http://e16f2lfaf30isesgn2sju9ps3b.hop.clickbank.net

    Data to Submit
    Here is some sample text you can submit if you would like to promote our site. Obviously you can come up with your own variations.

    Sample Subjects
    The Most Complete Work At Home Resource on The Web!
    Struggling to Make Money Online? Then You Need to Visit This Site!
    Make Money Typing Online Ads From Home!

    Sample Descriptions
    Sick of working in a dead end job? Make some real money from the comfort of your own home and tell your boss to shove it!

    Looking for real, legitimate opportunities to make money from home? Stop looking and start earning. Get a real home job today!

    Start earning $100s weekly typing ads for companies at home. Also get access to over a dozen other work at home opportunities. Sign up today!

    Here is an ad sample.
    Subject: Make Money Typing Online Ads From Home!
    Description: Sick of working in a dead end job? Make some real money from the comfort of your own home and tell your boss to shove it!

    For more information visit: http://e16f2lfaf30isesgn2sju9ps3b.hop.clickbank.net
    Here is how to set it up:

    Click Here for video tutorial on how to register account (with InetGiant).

    Click Here for video tutorial on how to post your ads (with InetGiant).

    Visit any of the sites below and look for the post your ad link. You can start with any of the sites that are in bold. We recommend setting up a separate email account for posting ads.

    Note: Some sites will not allow you to post business opportunities or charge a fee for such postings. We recommend that you post ads for various other products and services. Some of the best products to post on these types of sites would be computer services, auction, car and housing products. You can find such products in Home & Garden and Reference sections of the Clickbank Marketplace. These products are great for classifieds.

    Most Recommended Sites
    Classifieds for Free Ad Trader
    Craigslist Loot
    Kijiji Ad Post
    Backpage One Line Ads
    Inet Giant Viva Street
    US Net Ads Domestic Sale
    Best Mall Classified Ads Oz Free Online
    Ad Land Pro UK Classifieds
    US Free Ads Cracker Classifieds
    Easier T&E Online
    Recycler Live Deal
    Online Exchange Ezilon
    1AmericaMall Trade It
    The Ad Net Prague Classifieds
    Access Business Online Preloved
    E-Page Classifieds The PCMan Website
    Local Ads India Classifieds
    Viva Street Expatriates
    Homework Ads Free Ad Board
    Business Classifieds Able Wise
    Five Star Classified Ads Kingdom Classifieds
    FreeAds UK

    More Sites
    1America Mall Clockwatchers Classifieds
    4 Star Classifieds Commerce Corner
    Aardy Aardvark's Amazing Ads Coolest Store In The Web
    American Internet Classifieds Holton Free Classifieds
    BizClassifieds FreeAdPosting.com
    Classified Ads USFreeAds.biz
    Classified Marketplace Worlds List
    For Many More Free Classified Sites, Click HERE!

    Step 1. Visit the classified site.

    With Classifieds for Free, you can start posting ads without an account, but you will have more options if you register. You can post different ads to different cities, states or countries.
    That's it. You're ready to start posting. We recommend that you post as many ads to as many sites as possible to start seeing some real results (30 or more ads per day). You can also try posting various types of products instead of just sticking to one category. Visit our Recommended Products to view a list of products we suggest posting ads for.

    Tip: Always look for a link on the site which you are promoting marked 'Affiliates'. This page will often provide you with examples of ads you can use to promote that particular site, making your job much easier. You can also just copy a paragraph or two from the product's website to post in the description part of the ad.
    Message Boards

    This is definitely a great way to advertise if you are not willing to spend money. Most message boards allow you to have a signature. Your signature is displayed every time you post a new message on the message board or reply to someone else's message. You can put your affiliate link in your signature for everyone to see. People reading the message boards will see your signature and visit your affiliate link. You can get a lot of great traffic to your affiliate links this way.

    You should write whatever you think best describes the product you are promoting and what will get people to click your link. Personal endorsements work well. Let people know what you like so much about the product.
    Example if promoting our site:

    Sample #1:
    I am finally making money on the internet.
    See how I do it by visiting http://e16f2lfaf30isesgn2sju9ps3b.hop.clickbank.net

    Sample #2
    It's hard to find legitimate work at home opportunities.
    Here's a website I found that can help. http://e16f2lfaf30isesgn2sju9ps3b.hop.clickbank.net

    Here's how to find forums relating to your topic of interest.

    Go to your favorite search engine such as Google or Yahoo and type "forum your keyword". So suppose you wanted to find 'money making' or 'work at home' forums you would type into the search box "forum money making" or "forum work at home". You just sign up to these forums and edit your signature to include your ad. Just post any topic related to the forum or reply to a current topic. You can even learn more on the topics on the forum.

    You can also just search for forums to post ads in. An example of a good online forum is http://www.FreeAdvertisingForum.com. You can go here and post ads in their respective categories. This is a very popular forum, especially for people looking for jobs, products and services. To find more forums like this, you can do a search on Google.com for 'Free Advertising Forums' or 'Free Advertising Forum'.

    This is a great method for those that don't want to spend any money on advertising. However, this is more geared towards experienced internet users.

    The money making potential of blogging is very high, and the methods are free, but it can take some time to truly master the techniques of blogging.

    Here are three ebooks and video series which will teach you about blogging. These are pretty in-depth so we recommend viewing them when you have the time. When extracted, the ebooks are in PDF format. You may even print them and read them offline. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files you can get it here.

    * Blog and Ping Guide(Recommended)
    * Blogging for Cash
    * Blog in A Box

    Below you will find a complete video series explaining blogging as well as a number of other marketing methods.
    Blogging Video Course

    Once you start making money from these methods you can try some of the paid methods. That way you wouldn't have spent any money out of your pocket. It's all about starting small then growing more and more.
    Click Here to Set Up Your Paid Ads.
    Click Here for A List of Recommended Sites to Promote.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت مايو 18, 2024 4:00 pm